Massage hairbrushes

      18 products

      Massage hair brushes are suitable for gentle detangling and tidying your hair. At the same time, the scalp is massaged, which stimulates blood circulation, hair roots and promotes healthy hair growth. Our massage hair brushes are made of high-quality walnut, beech or olive wood from sustainable, regional forestry and are fitted with antistatic, smoothly ground wooden pins. This is based on a complex manufacturing process that guarantees smooth surfaces and avoids sharp edges to protect your hair in the best possible way.

      For the trimming of our massage hair brushes you can choose between straight and conical wooden pins. Straight wooden pins have an intense massaging effect and are optimal for detangling long hair. We recommend the extra long, straight wooden pins for curly and voluminous hair. Conical, rounded wooden pins are suitable for sensitive scalps with their gentle massage effect. All wooden pins are firmly fixed in a brush bed made of purely organic natural rubber. A small opening in the brush bed leads to a small exchange of air, which ensures the necessary elasticity for pleasant and particularly gentle hair care.