Return shipping

Procedure for return shipment:

  1. Please give notice of the return shipment, for example by e-mail or via the contact form.
  2. Please return the items prepaid to the following address:

    Oberer Wingertweg 82
    75177 Pforzheim
  3. Please enclose a return note with your name and order number. This will help us to process your return.
  4. You will receive the refund using the same payment method that was used for the previous order

Return shipping costs
The costs for the return shipment are borne by the sender.

This is why we do not offer free return labels
In general, there are no free returns. There are only sellers who hide the costs of returns in a higher purchase price.
As we have found that a few customers return goods more frequently than the majority, we feel it is unfair to include the return costs in the purchase price and thus charge all our customers.

We cover the return shipping costs
In the event of errors caused by us, such as an incorrectly delivered item, we will of course cover the return shipping and the shipping of the correct item.

Further details can be found in our cancellation policy.